Hi everyone, today I'm going to talk about that FOUR letter word.... WORK. Last week I talked about us being in a society of wanting our results RIGHT NOW! We want immediate pay off and pleasure. To some "work" is a dirty 4 letter word. Not to MY amazing hard working clients though. Just the others out there...
WORK: (1.) activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result; (2.) a task or tasks to be undertaken; something a person or thing has to do
What I have found to be true in my life and the lives of my clients is a lot of time our behavior/action follows our thoughts, emotions, feelings and perceptions. This is not always for our betterment. Most of the time when my behavior is led by my emotions or my feelings the situation turns to SHIT real quick. A whole self-help movement has been focused on controlling your thoughts for better behavior/actions. It's extremely hard to master. Neuroscience research is coming out that our thoughts, feelings, emotions and perceptions follow our behavior. I will bring extreme simplicity to what goes on with us and our brain when encountering decisions and situations.
Action dictates Mood. We have all come to moments in our life when we face a situation and we just don't WANT to do it. Doesn't matter how good that action can be for us in the long run. Like exercising. If we don't feel like exercising, we don't. If we justify all the REASONS why we shouldn't exercise, WE DON'T. We don't have time. We work too much. My spouse doesn't support it. I don't FEEL like it. Not enough money in the budget. I broke a nail. My personal favorite is that I'm having a bad hair day. You get the point. The early stages of hard work and focus are going to feel like stress and agitation. Science shows that when we face something that causes us discomfort or fear we react one of three ways. 1.) We freeze. No action. Continuously bombarded by our thoughts, worries and concerns 2.) We run away. We then try to forget about the problem. Getting lost in our T.V. shows, drugs, alcohol and so forth 3.) We move forward through the discomfort. Action will push the fear away. We have a purpose and we do what we need to do by not letting our feelings, emotions and perceptions change our action. The brain then rewards us with dopamine which helps us moving forward with the task at hand. Action dictates mood.
I believe the biggest payoffs in life come from getting out of our comfort zones and doing things good for us that we simply don't want to do. Over the years I have seen clients come in having a really bad day and being in a super foul mood. Magically when our session is over they leave feeling so much better! As much as I would love to take credit for that -- over the years I have said I'm magical, LOL I digress -- it's hormones being released when you take action.
Conditions are never perfect. "Someday", "Next week", "Tomorrow" are all diseases that will take your dreams to the grave with you. Pro's and Con's lists are just as bad. If it's important to you and you want to do it "eventually," just do it and correct course along the way. I got this from Tim Ferriss. I changed that a little but the main thought is his. We can use this in all facets of our life. Going to the gym. Looking for that new job. Starting a new career. Traveling more. Take Action Today! Having a goal and a purpose and then taking direct steps toward making that happen. It's called putting in work. That dirty FOUR letter word. Take chances. Do not let fear of the uncertainty freeze you or make you retreat.
I love you all and I really appreciate every single one of you. I have a few one on one training openings left if interested.(520)449-2011 Please share if you get anything out of this blog. Have a great day and remember ... Put in the work! Brian