Tuesday, April 28, 2020


A)  Vision: the act or power of seeing
B)  Sight: a thought, concept, or object formed by the imagination

All my life I've had 20/20 vision. In the last couple of years, my sight has gotten blurry. Like most males I've tried to just will my vision better. I mean who needs an expert...if you don't acknowledge it, it will go away, right?? Ha! I must have lost some of my magical powers because to my amazement my vision has continued to get worse. 

What do we do when our vision gets blurry? Let me reframe. What do we do when our goals, our purpose, gets blurry? First, we need to make sure we have a definite chief aim. A purpose when it comes to life. Be specific when it comes to your goals. The acronym SMART helps me a ton: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. It can be losing 20lbs, running that marathon, starting a new career/job, or having successful personal relationships. I have found getting started on this path hasn't been the hard part, its continuing when we start to lose sight of our destination. Just like my eyes over time, our purpose can get blurry. What do we do when a cloudy haze fills our vision? 

Speaking from experience and I hope you all can relate on some level. I have found that a few things hold me back from achieving and seeking what I truly want. 
Fear: A) an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger; B) (1): an instance of this emotion (2) : a state marked by this emotion. Failure: A) an omission of occurrence or performance; B) lack of success. 

I’ll be honest, the fear of failure scares the shit out of me. Let me take one step farther. The mere thought of failure gives me a sense of being inadequate and this in turn freezes me with fear. That's why we don't go back to school, change careers to something we truly love, or commit ourselves to meaningful relationships. We stay stagnant in our comfort zone of a bubble because it keeps the fear of failure outside and it gives us a sense of protection. So many times, we start along a path towards something and then we get stuck because we get comfortable. And then our purpose gets blurry...

These strange times we live in give us an extremely rare opportunity. We've been given TIME. Which is rare and fleeting. We've had an opportunity to take inventory of where we sit in life, to be still and reflect on what is truly important in our life, to have time to clear our vision and focus on our Universal given path. It’s been an amazing gift for me. We have TIME to reach out to experts that can help us get back on track: trainers, life coaches, financial advisors, spiritual advisors are just a few that come to mind. Use the experts! It's worth it! 
To those that may be wondering, I went to the eye doctor and I'm now wearing glasses... I can see a ton better. Who would have thought? I love you all. Please share if this can help someone. Would love input on what I can write future blogs on. I want to put out one a week at least. Stay ACTIVE, FOCUSED, DRIVEN and tell someone special you LOVE them today.  Brian 
Cell Phone # 520 449-2011
I am training and doing life coaching if interested. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Quarantine Growth


Hey, Everyone! I've been trying to stay in touch with the majority of you. I miss my clients and I hope that life is well in these strange times. I've been blessed to be able to work with some of you the last few weeks and I'm extremely thankful for that. I know that a lot of my clients have worked so hard to develop healthy routines. I want to encourage you during this email to look at this as a time to make positive changes and use this time for growth. And I'm not talking about around the waistline. NO quarantine 15 for us!!
 Those of you that have read my blogs in the past know that they can be random, hopefully funny, motivating and the grammar is sometimes sub-par. How's quarantine life? It's funny in just a little over a month life has changed so drastically. Our routines and habits that we cling to have been turned upside down. Alcohol sales are up 55%, Porn is through the roof, Smoking pot and binge watching T.V. has become some peoples new norms. We do live in uncertain times. Its been harder to exercise properly. Easier to eat and drink and binge watch T.V. Some clients have spent more time with their loved ones then they would have ever wished for...  My friend and fellow Trainer Derek Florez made a comment before we went on our unwanted vacation. "People are going to find out a lot more about themselves and who they really are then we will about this virus" I absolutely agree. I think asking some very key questions can help us turn this time into a positive outcome.  What do we like about our new "life" routine that we would like to keep? What habits have we fell into that discourage or hold us back? What do we miss about our old routines? Was the environment we spent our daily lives in helping us grow? Would we willingly go back to it tomorrow? Or... Have we been clinging or holding onto something we should have left years ago?  Take time to seriously ponder these questions. Some of us really enjoy being able to work from home naked... Its a perk. Before, there is an uproar I'm not online training naked.  For some life has changed so drastically that its been extremely hard to to cope or adapt.
I'm a firm believer that when the Universe try's to speak to us we need to listen. I believe in uncertain times we have an immense opportunity to grow and find out what really drives us and WHAT is truly important in our lives. Socrates wrote, "The unexamined life is not worth living." I challenge you today to take this time to examine your life. Work, relationships, family, exercise habits... Leave no stone unturned. Chase after a dream or goal that has been put on the back burner because of the daily grind has gotten in the way. I believe we will come out of this time stronger and better for it. But its necessary to implement changes that will help us grow. Change is scary and fear holds us back from progressing. Lets use this time to develop habits that no virus can take away from us! Please share if this is helpful. Send me questions or topics for future blogs. I encourage you to eat less, move more and tell someone that you LOVE them. I love you and please reach out if you need anything at all! Brian