Sunday, February 21, 2016


To my amazing clients,

Hope you all had a fantastic week. My goal is to write a blog to you every other week. Sometimes, you will hear from me more often. I would love for you all to use my email to send me questions on topics you want to hear about. For example: Dear Brian, How do I focus on loosing the hanging bat wings from my arms? It grosses me out! I would then answer: Dear Bat wings... Ha You get the point.
  Today I want to talk about late night cravings and different ways to tackle them. "Om nom nom nom" Its been a long day and we get home, eat our dinner planned and then we have the insatiable urge to continue eating for the rest of the night. We sit in front of the T.V. and eat a whole bag of Doritos or a sleeve of Oreo cookies, half a carton of ice cream so on an so forth. I've been there and still have to focus on not overeating at night. Like the cookie monster I want cookies! One girl scout cookie at this time can turn into a WHOLE BOX!! Not only does that ruin our workout but also negates the good choices we might have made through the whole day! Then we sleep restlessly and then wake up with a sugar hangover and start the process all over again. If our body is a million dollar plus machine as I believe it to be then that's a terrible way to fuel it day in and day out.
Their are multiple reasons and theories to why we have this urge at night. One goes back to our ancestors and the need to overeat to store fat for upcoming droughts of food and long periods of famine. Now it's just plain unhealthy for us. Others is to relieve stress of the hard day. One is just plain boredom. We eat to have something to do. Another is the lack of healthy meals throughout the day. Whatever your reason it is I want to give you a few ways to tackle this urge at night and before it even hits us.
Take Home points:
1.) Eat a healthy breakfast every day! Starting your day off with breakfast starts the domino effect of making good choices the rest of the day.
2.) Don't skip meals! Skipping meals leads to binge eating when we do finally get to eat. Make eating healthy throughout the day a #1 priority!
3.)Healthy sleep patterns. Have a time you go to bed and a time you wake up everyday! We've all binged watched Netflix or stalked our favorite people on Facebook all night with that bag of junk food. It's unhealthy and unproductive to the goals we have for ourselves. Having erratic sleep patterns messes with our circadian clock and that will have an impact on our self control.
4.) Stay busy! Distract yourself after you eat your dinner. I eat then shower and get ready for the next day. Then I have given my brain and stomach time to catch up with each other and I realize I'm no longer hungry.
5.) Cravings could be a sign of a lack of vitamins or minerals. Eat plenty of colorful fruits and veggies every day!
6.) Eat a high protein and high fiber dinner. Insoluble fiber keeps you feeling full longer. Lots of leafy greens. I like to suggest some form of salad every day. I'm like Popeye I love me some Spinach. 7.) Brush your teeth immediately after dinner! Brian, you've lost your mind. No, I'm serious this works great for me. After I brush my teeth I hate eating again! So in return it helps me from overeating.
8.) Drink lots of water daily. At least 64 ounces but I wouldn't complain if you doubled that daily.

That's all for today but lets remember to LIVE AND BE HEALTHY on a daily basis. I love you all and I'm here for you. MAKE GOOD CHOICES TODAY THAT WILL LEAD TO GOOD CHOICES TOMORROW AND SO ON...
A couple side notes. If you haven't been measured and want to be measured this week. Please remind me. I want us to stay focused on our goals. And send me questions that you want to read about in future blogs.

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