Sunday, August 5, 2018

Eye Balls

Passion : a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something
Flashback to high school or college. Sitting in the front seat with your significant other making out like your life depended on it. Nothing else mattered! The world could be falling all around us but the only thing that mattered was the person your body was intertwined with. What happened to our passion for living? I tell you what happened. Life hit us full in the mouth and we acquiesced. We submitted ourselves to the status quo. We half ass our workouts, our jobs and our families. Then we mindlessly watch T.V., drink and use drugs to numb the pain and regret of not fully living. I'm guilty, guilty, guilty of this myself.

I can say without a doubt that at 39 I have not come close to reaching my full potential. One way or another I have sabotaged myself.
 Sabotage: a act or process tending to hamper or hurt
We limit ourselves. Usually, by destructive habits or living in fear. I refuse to continue to allow that in my life.
 My purpose of this blog is to help inspire others to truly live! I was told once by a girlfriend. "Brian, you can't always shit rainbows and skittles" Ha... I know. I realize positive thinking can't solve all of our problems. I know life is extremely difficult. What I want to see in myself and others is a passionate mindset. A strong will and desire to live again. Live life like we are necking in that car. Pure abandon.  Quit doing the things that hold us back. It could be drinking, drugs, poor nutrition, binge watching television or playing video games... Ect... Don't get me wrong those things have its place but when they take over your life because you've lost the will to participate in life it needs to be dealt with.
I'm a firm believer that the eyes are a window to the soul. First thing I look at when I'm interested in someone. Do there eyeballs show a fighting spirit? Is there a fire within showing thru the eyes? The eyes can tell me almost all I need to know. I believe you can tell if someone is going thru the motions or is ready to punch life in the mouth just by looking into there eyes. Let's inspire people truly to live healthy motivated lives this week. Let us fight together to not be the status quo.  Live with passion, desire and true commitment to ALL that we do! We will and can reach our full potential.
Thank you for reading. Next week should be more fitness related. I do believe it all ties together. Have an amazing week. Love you all! Brian


  1. Brian,

    I love what you wrote.
    We are all flawed. Being real and open with others is how we all grow spiritually.
    I prayed and pondered for years what my life's purpose was. One day it hit me that we're here to help each other. I see that in you and I admire that.

    your client and friend,


    1. Lynn, Thankyou! I appreciate your encouragement and inspiration. Brian

  2. Wow! Another great post, very inspiring. I’m excited to see what’s next. 😊
