To my amazing clients,
Thanks for being patient I know I've missed a blog or two while I was prepping for the competition. It went really well and I'm so thankful for all of your love and support.
We all know how people talk to us can affect us on a daily basis. Especially growing up those kids that have parents that love and nurture with kind words of encouragement usually grow up healthy and happy. Now those that have been called a loser or told they were never going to amount to anything usually meets those expectations. Now, let me ask you this. How do you talk to yourself? BRIAN, I DON'T TALK TO MYSELF...I'm NOT CRAZY!!! lol Think about it. We talk to ourselves all the time. Is it positive affirmations? Is it encouraging? Or is it. I'm so fat. I can't do this. Nobody's ever going to want me. It goes on and on how discouraging and mean we can be the most important person alive. YOU!! Look in the mirror. Are you your greatest ally or greatest enemy? WE usually ARE OUR OWN GREATEST ENEMY! WE need to be our greatest ally at all times. I'm not saying to be unrealistic about our mistakes. We need to be able to analyze how we can be better on a daily basis. Make positive changes to be better but constantly beating yourself up is not the answer. Learn, get thou over it, and move the hell on! Do Not Live in the Past! Focus on the future! Believe it or not there was a time in my life I had extremely low self-esteem. I read about looking in the mirror and repeating. I love myself. Over and over again. Like 50 times a day. I LOVE MYSELF. I thought is sounded bat shit crazy. I did it though. It helped a ton. Once, I started actually thinking and believing in myself I naturally stopped a lot of the egotistical things I would do for attention. If you don't have confidence in the man or woman that you are it is pretty highly likely that our co-workers, bosses and family members think about you way you think of yourself. Those of you that have trained with me a long enough know that I have a burpee rule for anytime to put yourself down in my presence. I want you to start applying this rule to when I'm not around. 10 burpees anytime you talk to yourself negatively. Start today! Remember, procrastination is the thief of dreams! Lets get serious about being kinder to the most important person out there.
Next weekend I'm going to try and write a blog from the GRAND CANYON. I'm excited. Get out and exercise frequently this week. Eat healthy and small frequent portions. Lots of Salads.
Text or call if you need anything.
Trainer Brian
My blog will tackle mental and physical obstacles that get in the way of achieving our true purpose in life! As a cohesive unit we can come together and help each other reach our goals. I use my own life experiences in combination with my certifications and on the job training. Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutritionist, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Exercise Therapy Certification, Strength and Conditioning Certification, Transformation Specialist.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Saturday, March 5, 2016
To all my amazing clients,
The definition of doubt is: A feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction. Definition of belief is: trust, faith or confidence in someone or something. Now stop and answer one question for me. DO YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF? Or do you doubt yourself? I have said numerous times I believe more in the power of belief itself then what we actually believe in. IF your goal is weight loss do you truly believe that you can accomplish your goals? Do you truly believe you can get a new high score on that PT Test? Complete that marathon? Lower your blood sugar? Get on stage for a competition? Are you willing to do what it takes to get there? I don't care what you decided your goals are but I do care why you are doing it? Believing in yourself will help you accomplish things you could have never imagined! Rid yourself of all doubt.
Most of you know I'm going to do another competition at the end of March. I have wallowed in my own self pity the last two days. I've had extreme doubt in my diet, the amount of cardio I'm doing and so on and so forth. I've been moody and snappy and just want to be a hermit when I'm not with my clients at work. Saying my posing has a lot of work to do is being kind. I had to go back to the basics. Do I believe in myself? Its not about placing to me or winning a trophy. Its about doing what I said I was going to do. But WHY? Remember, people don't buy into what you are doing unless they buy into why you are doing it. I do these competitions so I can keep confidence in me looking toward a long term goal and following a daily disciplined process to achieve it. My passion is not bodybuilding. My passion is fitness and helping my clients live healthy.
I do what I do because I want to inspire others to do the things that inspire them! But since I will not be a part of Fit to fat to fit I've decided this in another way I can support you all. If my clients are going to achieve their goals they also need to create daily disciplines/habits to accomplish them. Making changes in routines and food choices. Life is full of choices. Make changes. Remember the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. I will no longer focus on how hard this process is I will focus on the growth I achieve from it and what I learn about myself during it.
Take home points.
1.) Have self-confidence in yourself and believe in what you are doing.
2.) Don't ask what? Ask why? Why are you doing this. State the reasons clearly.
3.) Do I need to make changes in my daily routines to accomplish my goals?
Stay focused and stay driven. Love you all. Brian
The definition of doubt is: A feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction. Definition of belief is: trust, faith or confidence in someone or something. Now stop and answer one question for me. DO YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF? Or do you doubt yourself? I have said numerous times I believe more in the power of belief itself then what we actually believe in. IF your goal is weight loss do you truly believe that you can accomplish your goals? Do you truly believe you can get a new high score on that PT Test? Complete that marathon? Lower your blood sugar? Get on stage for a competition? Are you willing to do what it takes to get there? I don't care what you decided your goals are but I do care why you are doing it? Believing in yourself will help you accomplish things you could have never imagined! Rid yourself of all doubt.
Most of you know I'm going to do another competition at the end of March. I have wallowed in my own self pity the last two days. I've had extreme doubt in my diet, the amount of cardio I'm doing and so on and so forth. I've been moody and snappy and just want to be a hermit when I'm not with my clients at work. Saying my posing has a lot of work to do is being kind. I had to go back to the basics. Do I believe in myself? Its not about placing to me or winning a trophy. Its about doing what I said I was going to do. But WHY? Remember, people don't buy into what you are doing unless they buy into why you are doing it. I do these competitions so I can keep confidence in me looking toward a long term goal and following a daily disciplined process to achieve it. My passion is not bodybuilding. My passion is fitness and helping my clients live healthy.
I do what I do because I want to inspire others to do the things that inspire them! But since I will not be a part of Fit to fat to fit I've decided this in another way I can support you all. If my clients are going to achieve their goals they also need to create daily disciplines/habits to accomplish them. Making changes in routines and food choices. Life is full of choices. Make changes. Remember the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. I will no longer focus on how hard this process is I will focus on the growth I achieve from it and what I learn about myself during it.
Take home points.
1.) Have self-confidence in yourself and believe in what you are doing.
2.) Don't ask what? Ask why? Why are you doing this. State the reasons clearly.
3.) Do I need to make changes in my daily routines to accomplish my goals?
Stay focused and stay driven. Love you all. Brian
Sunday, February 21, 2016
To my amazing clients,
Hope you all had a fantastic week. My goal is to write a blog to you every other week. Sometimes, you will hear from me more often. I would love for you all to use my email to send me questions on topics you want to hear about. For example: Dear Brian, How do I focus on loosing the hanging bat wings from my arms? It grosses me out! I would then answer: Dear Bat wings... Ha You get the point.
Today I want to talk about late night cravings and different ways to tackle them. "Om nom nom nom" Its been a long day and we get home, eat our dinner planned and then we have the insatiable urge to continue eating for the rest of the night. We sit in front of the T.V. and eat a whole bag of Doritos or a sleeve of Oreo cookies, half a carton of ice cream so on an so forth. I've been there and still have to focus on not overeating at night. Like the cookie monster I want cookies! One girl scout cookie at this time can turn into a WHOLE BOX!! Not only does that ruin our workout but also negates the good choices we might have made through the whole day! Then we sleep restlessly and then wake up with a sugar hangover and start the process all over again. If our body is a million dollar plus machine as I believe it to be then that's a terrible way to fuel it day in and day out.
Their are multiple reasons and theories to why we have this urge at night. One goes back to our ancestors and the need to overeat to store fat for upcoming droughts of food and long periods of famine. Now it's just plain unhealthy for us. Others is to relieve stress of the hard day. One is just plain boredom. We eat to have something to do. Another is the lack of healthy meals throughout the day. Whatever your reason it is I want to give you a few ways to tackle this urge at night and before it even hits us.
Take Home points:
1.) Eat a healthy breakfast every day! Starting your day off with breakfast starts the domino effect of making good choices the rest of the day.
2.) Don't skip meals! Skipping meals leads to binge eating when we do finally get to eat. Make eating healthy throughout the day a #1 priority!
3.)Healthy sleep patterns. Have a time you go to bed and a time you wake up everyday! We've all binged watched Netflix or stalked our favorite people on Facebook all night with that bag of junk food. It's unhealthy and unproductive to the goals we have for ourselves. Having erratic sleep patterns messes with our circadian clock and that will have an impact on our self control.
4.) Stay busy! Distract yourself after you eat your dinner. I eat then shower and get ready for the next day. Then I have given my brain and stomach time to catch up with each other and I realize I'm no longer hungry.
5.) Cravings could be a sign of a lack of vitamins or minerals. Eat plenty of colorful fruits and veggies every day!
6.) Eat a high protein and high fiber dinner. Insoluble fiber keeps you feeling full longer. Lots of leafy greens. I like to suggest some form of salad every day. I'm like Popeye I love me some Spinach. 7.) Brush your teeth immediately after dinner! Brian, you've lost your mind. No, I'm serious this works great for me. After I brush my teeth I hate eating again! So in return it helps me from overeating.
8.) Drink lots of water daily. At least 64 ounces but I wouldn't complain if you doubled that daily.
That's all for today but lets remember to LIVE AND BE HEALTHY on a daily basis. I love you all and I'm here for you. MAKE GOOD CHOICES TODAY THAT WILL LEAD TO GOOD CHOICES TOMORROW AND SO ON...
A couple side notes. If you haven't been measured and want to be measured this week. Please remind me. I want us to stay focused on our goals. And send me questions that you want to read about in future blogs.
Hope you all had a fantastic week. My goal is to write a blog to you every other week. Sometimes, you will hear from me more often. I would love for you all to use my email to send me questions on topics you want to hear about. For example: Dear Brian, How do I focus on loosing the hanging bat wings from my arms? It grosses me out! I would then answer: Dear Bat wings... Ha You get the point.
Today I want to talk about late night cravings and different ways to tackle them. "Om nom nom nom" Its been a long day and we get home, eat our dinner planned and then we have the insatiable urge to continue eating for the rest of the night. We sit in front of the T.V. and eat a whole bag of Doritos or a sleeve of Oreo cookies, half a carton of ice cream so on an so forth. I've been there and still have to focus on not overeating at night. Like the cookie monster I want cookies! One girl scout cookie at this time can turn into a WHOLE BOX!! Not only does that ruin our workout but also negates the good choices we might have made through the whole day! Then we sleep restlessly and then wake up with a sugar hangover and start the process all over again. If our body is a million dollar plus machine as I believe it to be then that's a terrible way to fuel it day in and day out.
Their are multiple reasons and theories to why we have this urge at night. One goes back to our ancestors and the need to overeat to store fat for upcoming droughts of food and long periods of famine. Now it's just plain unhealthy for us. Others is to relieve stress of the hard day. One is just plain boredom. We eat to have something to do. Another is the lack of healthy meals throughout the day. Whatever your reason it is I want to give you a few ways to tackle this urge at night and before it even hits us.
Take Home points:
1.) Eat a healthy breakfast every day! Starting your day off with breakfast starts the domino effect of making good choices the rest of the day.
2.) Don't skip meals! Skipping meals leads to binge eating when we do finally get to eat. Make eating healthy throughout the day a #1 priority!
3.)Healthy sleep patterns. Have a time you go to bed and a time you wake up everyday! We've all binged watched Netflix or stalked our favorite people on Facebook all night with that bag of junk food. It's unhealthy and unproductive to the goals we have for ourselves. Having erratic sleep patterns messes with our circadian clock and that will have an impact on our self control.
4.) Stay busy! Distract yourself after you eat your dinner. I eat then shower and get ready for the next day. Then I have given my brain and stomach time to catch up with each other and I realize I'm no longer hungry.
5.) Cravings could be a sign of a lack of vitamins or minerals. Eat plenty of colorful fruits and veggies every day!
6.) Eat a high protein and high fiber dinner. Insoluble fiber keeps you feeling full longer. Lots of leafy greens. I like to suggest some form of salad every day. I'm like Popeye I love me some Spinach. 7.) Brush your teeth immediately after dinner! Brian, you've lost your mind. No, I'm serious this works great for me. After I brush my teeth I hate eating again! So in return it helps me from overeating.
8.) Drink lots of water daily. At least 64 ounces but I wouldn't complain if you doubled that daily.
That's all for today but lets remember to LIVE AND BE HEALTHY on a daily basis. I love you all and I'm here for you. MAKE GOOD CHOICES TODAY THAT WILL LEAD TO GOOD CHOICES TOMORROW AND SO ON...
A couple side notes. If you haven't been measured and want to be measured this week. Please remind me. I want us to stay focused on our goals. And send me questions that you want to read about in future blogs.
Sunday, February 7, 2016
To all my amazing clients,
Distractions at times are much needed. I hope those of you that watch the game tonight enjoy it. I honestly didn't want to write the blog this week. I missed last week because of my move and lack of a laptop. I have no excuses though. I bought a new laptop today. This week has been a difficult week for me. So this blog might not have any real focus. Ha DO they ever Brian? I hear it now. Keeping focused on doing the right thing has been hard. It's real easy to be positive when life is full of roses and rainbows. Unfortunately, life is full of peak and valleys. Is it unfortunate? Or is is a chance to grow stronger? I am going to choose to use it as a chance to go stronger. Most times when people complain to me about a situation in their life I come back with. What do you have in your life to be Thankful for? Honestly, I'm using today as a platform to help myself by focusing on what I have to be thankful for. Here are the 2 most important things.
1.) I have the very rare opportunity to do what I love day in and day out. IF you know what you absolutely love doing but are afraid to take the risk and the chance. I tell you know. It is totally worth living your life doing what you love. Its fulfilling and full of blessings. I'm blessed.
2.) I have family and friends that love and care about me. I have received such an outpouring of support and encouragement this week. Help moving and stocking up the new place or sweet texts saying I'm in your thoughts. I don't consider you all just clients I consider you all my close friends. I learn from you day in and day out more then I can ever give back. Thank You.
Before I hit on my next point. I'm sad, but not anywhere close to what I'm about to talk about next. Don't worry about me I just feel this needs to be said. Not a month passes that we don't hear about someone famous or know of a loved one that commits suicide. This past week a famous bmx rider took his own life. Life is lonely at times but let me tell you this. Don't be PRIDEFUL! Let your loved ones help. Reach out to those down and around you today. Pride cometh before a fall! One of the greatest lessons I've ever learned is to ask for help or accept help when offered. I get prideful and want to do it all on my own. That has never worked out very well. We are a team like these TWO great teams playing this evening. We help encourage each other. We lift each other up!
I heard from a pulpit years ago something I will never forget. The character of a woman or man is not what he does when every one is watching. Its the choices they make when no one is watching. I'm using today as a platform to help myself today. I also want this to help you. Make daily choices that you stand by and feel good about. Be true to yourself.
But Brian! What does this have to do with fitness and training??? Nothing. LOL Honestly the choices we make with exercise and eating help us feel better. When we feel better about ourselves we can help motivate others. When we motivate others we fuel our own fire of motivation. Stay healthy, stay happy and stay focused on making good decisions. NEXT WEEK should be more focused. Or maybe not... LOVE you all. Trainer Brian By the way. Go BRONCOS!
Distractions at times are much needed. I hope those of you that watch the game tonight enjoy it. I honestly didn't want to write the blog this week. I missed last week because of my move and lack of a laptop. I have no excuses though. I bought a new laptop today. This week has been a difficult week for me. So this blog might not have any real focus. Ha DO they ever Brian? I hear it now. Keeping focused on doing the right thing has been hard. It's real easy to be positive when life is full of roses and rainbows. Unfortunately, life is full of peak and valleys. Is it unfortunate? Or is is a chance to grow stronger? I am going to choose to use it as a chance to go stronger. Most times when people complain to me about a situation in their life I come back with. What do you have in your life to be Thankful for? Honestly, I'm using today as a platform to help myself by focusing on what I have to be thankful for. Here are the 2 most important things.
1.) I have the very rare opportunity to do what I love day in and day out. IF you know what you absolutely love doing but are afraid to take the risk and the chance. I tell you know. It is totally worth living your life doing what you love. Its fulfilling and full of blessings. I'm blessed.
2.) I have family and friends that love and care about me. I have received such an outpouring of support and encouragement this week. Help moving and stocking up the new place or sweet texts saying I'm in your thoughts. I don't consider you all just clients I consider you all my close friends. I learn from you day in and day out more then I can ever give back. Thank You.
Before I hit on my next point. I'm sad, but not anywhere close to what I'm about to talk about next. Don't worry about me I just feel this needs to be said. Not a month passes that we don't hear about someone famous or know of a loved one that commits suicide. This past week a famous bmx rider took his own life. Life is lonely at times but let me tell you this. Don't be PRIDEFUL! Let your loved ones help. Reach out to those down and around you today. Pride cometh before a fall! One of the greatest lessons I've ever learned is to ask for help or accept help when offered. I get prideful and want to do it all on my own. That has never worked out very well. We are a team like these TWO great teams playing this evening. We help encourage each other. We lift each other up!
I heard from a pulpit years ago something I will never forget. The character of a woman or man is not what he does when every one is watching. Its the choices they make when no one is watching. I'm using today as a platform to help myself today. I also want this to help you. Make daily choices that you stand by and feel good about. Be true to yourself.
But Brian! What does this have to do with fitness and training??? Nothing. LOL Honestly the choices we make with exercise and eating help us feel better. When we feel better about ourselves we can help motivate others. When we motivate others we fuel our own fire of motivation. Stay healthy, stay happy and stay focused on making good decisions. NEXT WEEK should be more focused. Or maybe not... LOVE you all. Trainer Brian By the way. Go BRONCOS!
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Who needs the loony bin?
HI to all my amazing clients,
I'm glad to be back working again after a much needed vacation. Most of you did a great job of staying active while I was gone. I'm proud of you all.
So before I begin with my out house psychology let me say that I don't mean this to take place of professional help when needed. I've been know to say that the majority of us exercise for one reason and that is to look good naked. Today I want to give us another very important reason to exercise.
Anxiety and depression and the positive influence exercise has on it is my topic today. I know that when severely depressed or full of anxiety and fear the very last thing we want to do is get up and do physical activity. Though, this is the BEST thing we can do for ourselves! Many of you know I've suffered from severe depression myself so this is coming from experience and research. On many occasions over the years I've had clients come in severely stressed from life's stresses and after just 30 min of exercise they leave me feeling a THOUSAND times better. Hopefully that's not because they don't have to see me again for a few days. HA... I personally need physical activity daily to keep me in the right frame of mind. I went for a beautiful hike today in Madera canyon and I actually dictated most of this while hiking up some pretty steep slopes. Most of my blogs are done during or right after exercise sessions. I got to thinking during my hike that during some of the most trying and stressful times of my life I turned to hiking or exercise. When my mentor Jack Knight passed away after a hard battle with cancer I hiked that morning to clear my head and get focused for my speech at the funeral. He had passion and enthusiasm and always tried to do the right thing. I wanted to be THAT GUY. That was a turning point for me. Today is another. Whatever higher power or Universal power is out there. I know one thing. We were given tools at our disposal to handle stress, anxiety, fear and just plain HARD TIMES. I believe every addiction facility should have a gym and exercise programs as part of there recovery.
Facts of the day:
1) Vigorous exercise for only 15 to 30 min releases feel good brain chemicals that help deal with
2)Reduces toxins in the body that may worsen depression
3)Increases body temperature that can have calming effects
4)Gain confidence. When we feel better about ourselves we bring that into our daily interactions
5) Takes your mind off of worries and the cycle of negative thoughts that feeds anxiety and depression
6)Social interaction. A friendly smile can change your WHOLE DAY!
7)Its a positive way to cope. Instead of drinking or binge eating that will only worsen symptoms.
These are just some of positive impacts it has on us. I got most of these from an article on the Mayo Clinic website that deals with this very topic.
So now that we know that we have control over something that makes us feel powerless. We are armed and ready to deal with anxiety, fear and depression. BUT WE have to act and DO something. We can't continue to wallow in the pig pen. GET UP AND DO SOMETHING PHYSICAL TODAY. NOW!! LOVE YOU ALL!
Trainer, BRIAN
I'm glad to be back working again after a much needed vacation. Most of you did a great job of staying active while I was gone. I'm proud of you all.
So before I begin with my out house psychology let me say that I don't mean this to take place of professional help when needed. I've been know to say that the majority of us exercise for one reason and that is to look good naked. Today I want to give us another very important reason to exercise.
Anxiety and depression and the positive influence exercise has on it is my topic today. I know that when severely depressed or full of anxiety and fear the very last thing we want to do is get up and do physical activity. Though, this is the BEST thing we can do for ourselves! Many of you know I've suffered from severe depression myself so this is coming from experience and research. On many occasions over the years I've had clients come in severely stressed from life's stresses and after just 30 min of exercise they leave me feeling a THOUSAND times better. Hopefully that's not because they don't have to see me again for a few days. HA... I personally need physical activity daily to keep me in the right frame of mind. I went for a beautiful hike today in Madera canyon and I actually dictated most of this while hiking up some pretty steep slopes. Most of my blogs are done during or right after exercise sessions. I got to thinking during my hike that during some of the most trying and stressful times of my life I turned to hiking or exercise. When my mentor Jack Knight passed away after a hard battle with cancer I hiked that morning to clear my head and get focused for my speech at the funeral. He had passion and enthusiasm and always tried to do the right thing. I wanted to be THAT GUY. That was a turning point for me. Today is another. Whatever higher power or Universal power is out there. I know one thing. We were given tools at our disposal to handle stress, anxiety, fear and just plain HARD TIMES. I believe every addiction facility should have a gym and exercise programs as part of there recovery.
Facts of the day:
1) Vigorous exercise for only 15 to 30 min releases feel good brain chemicals that help deal with
2)Reduces toxins in the body that may worsen depression
3)Increases body temperature that can have calming effects
4)Gain confidence. When we feel better about ourselves we bring that into our daily interactions
5) Takes your mind off of worries and the cycle of negative thoughts that feeds anxiety and depression
6)Social interaction. A friendly smile can change your WHOLE DAY!
7)Its a positive way to cope. Instead of drinking or binge eating that will only worsen symptoms.
These are just some of positive impacts it has on us. I got most of these from an article on the Mayo Clinic website that deals with this very topic.
So now that we know that we have control over something that makes us feel powerless. We are armed and ready to deal with anxiety, fear and depression. BUT WE have to act and DO something. We can't continue to wallow in the pig pen. GET UP AND DO SOMETHING PHYSICAL TODAY. NOW!! LOVE YOU ALL!
Trainer, BRIAN
Friday, January 15, 2016
Mickey says Hi
To all my amazing clients,
Good morning! Hope you all have had a great week. Just because I'm on vacation doesn't mean you're off the hook. Ha.. I will keep this brief. I just want too leave you all with a couple thoughts this morning
1) Stay focused on your goals. Don't lose site of what you want to achieve.
2) Have a healthy living mindset in all you do. Stay away from anything that has a negative impact on mental and physical health. Stay positive.
3) Get your workouts in! Keep the intensity up!
4) Encourage someone today! Workout with a friend. Go to a class together. Lift someone up today. Metaphorically.. if you literally lift someone up that could be good to. I digress...
And last but not least. Thank you all for your love and support. I appreciate every single one of you. I will say hi to Mickey and Minnie for you.
Trainer Brian
Go to for my older post. Feel free to share.
Good morning! Hope you all have had a great week. Just because I'm on vacation doesn't mean you're off the hook. Ha.. I will keep this brief. I just want too leave you all with a couple thoughts this morning
1) Stay focused on your goals. Don't lose site of what you want to achieve.
2) Have a healthy living mindset in all you do. Stay away from anything that has a negative impact on mental and physical health. Stay positive.
3) Get your workouts in! Keep the intensity up!
4) Encourage someone today! Workout with a friend. Go to a class together. Lift someone up today. Metaphorically.. if you literally lift someone up that could be good to. I digress...
And last but not least. Thank you all for your love and support. I appreciate every single one of you. I will say hi to Mickey and Minnie for you.
Trainer Brian
Go to for my older post. Feel free to share.
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Happy New Year ALL!!!
So its a new year and for some of us we want it to be a brand new beginning. For others we want to build off the steps we've made already in the past few months. I want to talk today about my 4 letter word... It's the word DIET!! I hear it now. BRIAN "ALL you talk about is eating healthy and how nutrition is the key to success." Why, Yes I agree with my whole heart to that. Nutrition is the key. No exceptions. If we don't make good, healthy, habitual food choices our exercise efforts get flushed straight down the toilet. Now I believe the word diet pertains to something we do for a short amount of time for quick results. In the old days diet meant habitual nourishment. I believe for us to attain long term success we need to look at the end game. Not something we are trying to do for 30to90 days. Cutting calories to an extreme is detrimental to your health and keeping the weight off over the long term. Being healthy is a lifestyle choice. Our body remembers what is does the majority of the time. So if you eat healthy and exercise the majority of the time you will be healthy, happy and lean. If you have a tendency to overeat, skip workouts and indulge too much your body will look like that,. Instead of looking at like we are on a diet we need to look at as a new way too live. We make diets way to complicated. Only 500 hundred calories, or nothing but protein, or no fats, or no carbs period. In the long game we can't sustain this. Then we get frustrated overeat and even heavier and fluffier then when we started. I believe in KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid. It's basically my life motto for myself. Don't over think things. Don't over complicate.
Its not complicated.
Eat a ton of veggies. BRIAN I HATE Broccoli!! They're are a ton of veggies our there to pick from and enjoy.
Don't overeat! Keep portions small.
Eat nutrient dense foods. Those have lots of nutrients for the fewest amount of calories.
Have lots of protein. Preferably white meat when you eat meat. Reduce starchy carb intake including white sugar and white flour products.
Don't binge on junk food.
Drink LOTS of Water. Vitamin water and flavored water don't count. REAL WATER. At least 64 ounces preferably a gallon of water a day if possible.
I love you all and I'm super excited to get rocking this week. I want and need you all in the gym when we are not training together. Either doing cardio or ask me what lifting you can do when I'm not
around. I have different programs for different goals. No more FOUR letter words. This is a lifestyle not a DIET.
So its a new year and for some of us we want it to be a brand new beginning. For others we want to build off the steps we've made already in the past few months. I want to talk today about my 4 letter word... It's the word DIET!! I hear it now. BRIAN "ALL you talk about is eating healthy and how nutrition is the key to success." Why, Yes I agree with my whole heart to that. Nutrition is the key. No exceptions. If we don't make good, healthy, habitual food choices our exercise efforts get flushed straight down the toilet. Now I believe the word diet pertains to something we do for a short amount of time for quick results. In the old days diet meant habitual nourishment. I believe for us to attain long term success we need to look at the end game. Not something we are trying to do for 30to90 days. Cutting calories to an extreme is detrimental to your health and keeping the weight off over the long term. Being healthy is a lifestyle choice. Our body remembers what is does the majority of the time. So if you eat healthy and exercise the majority of the time you will be healthy, happy and lean. If you have a tendency to overeat, skip workouts and indulge too much your body will look like that,. Instead of looking at like we are on a diet we need to look at as a new way too live. We make diets way to complicated. Only 500 hundred calories, or nothing but protein, or no fats, or no carbs period. In the long game we can't sustain this. Then we get frustrated overeat and even heavier and fluffier then when we started. I believe in KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid. It's basically my life motto for myself. Don't over think things. Don't over complicate.
Its not complicated.
Eat a ton of veggies. BRIAN I HATE Broccoli!! They're are a ton of veggies our there to pick from and enjoy.
Don't overeat! Keep portions small.
Eat nutrient dense foods. Those have lots of nutrients for the fewest amount of calories.
Have lots of protein. Preferably white meat when you eat meat. Reduce starchy carb intake including white sugar and white flour products.
Don't binge on junk food.
Drink LOTS of Water. Vitamin water and flavored water don't count. REAL WATER. At least 64 ounces preferably a gallon of water a day if possible.
I love you all and I'm super excited to get rocking this week. I want and need you all in the gym when we are not training together. Either doing cardio or ask me what lifting you can do when I'm not
around. I have different programs for different goals. No more FOUR letter words. This is a lifestyle not a DIET.
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