To all my amazing clients,
Thanks for the positive feedback after last weeks post. So we've dug deep down and remembered why we are doing what we are doing. Our fire is burning and we are excited to reach towards our goals again. How do we reach those goals? What does it take to achieve body composition change and good health? There are a million different opinions out there on what it takes. The fitness industry is over a billion dollar industry. From fad diets, magic pill, to the newest and improved gimmick workout promising abs in 6 min. its really hard for us to decide what works. The more options given us the more confusing it gets....
I believe in keeping things very basic. I know I've repeated some of this a billion times but I know a few of my clients have not heard this. I believe there is power in belief itself. If we believe in what we are doing doors and opportunities open up. Results start happening. WHY? Because we BELIEVE in it. Every part of our being is trying to make what we believe will happen come true. In life I believe if our mind, body and soul are all on the same page then we find success at work and in our personal relationships. If one of those ingredients are missing then we will have our struggles because we don't truly know who we are as a person or who we WANT to become. Alright Brian enough of your philosophy I want to hear how I'm going to loose this damn tire around my belly!! I want to be able to play with my kids without loosing my breath. I want RESULTS. I want to feel good!
For a healthy living life style I believe it comes down to Three essential areas.
NUTRITION: I could go on all day about this and I have if you ask some of my clients. Lets keep it very basic. LOTS of green veggies, fruits, nuts and lean meats. I don't want to be offensive to your religious beliefs but I have a saying. If God didn't create it you shouldn't eat. If it didn't come from the ground, plucked from a vine or tree or had 4 legs at some point you should probably not eat it. Now this is very broad and general. A more detailed plan will be needed for some of my clients but keeping it very basic is key. Small portions is also pretty important. Bottom line. IF our body can't use it right then and there it will store it as fat. Nutrition is vital to our success. No matter how hard we exercise we can't compete with over indulgence of calories. Food should be our fuel for our workouts and our recovery. I know that we will and won't be perfect. I'm not asking that. Just be aware of what we are eating and how much of it. If progress is stagnant the first thing we look at will be our food and drink intake. Yes, calories also come in the liquid form. Again.. LOTS OF GREENS, FRUITS, NUTS and LEAN Meats!! I have a nutritional suggestion sheet if I haven't already given you one.
RESISTANCE TRAINING: Building lean muscle will help us burn fat faster and keep it off over a longer period of time. 2-4 weight training sessions a week are recommended pretty universally for results. Female clients: BUT BRIAN!! I don't want to get big or look like ARNOLD!! I gain muscle really fast!! I hate to burst your bubble but females unless put in artificially have a much lower testosterone count then men. By lifting weights consistently you will build very beautiful lean muscle. Lifting weights properly will burn calories over the next 24 hours. Its a very important ingredient. At any age. Building muscle properly will help keep our bones strong and protect us from knee, hip and lower back injuries. I have different programs for my clients if I haven't given it to you already. I want my clients to come in on their own and lift weights. Don't worry those big ugly meat heads in the weight room who grunt and spit are harmless. Just smile and tell them to get out of your way that you have results to get.
CARDIO: The Mayo Clinic suggest at least 150 min. of aerobic activity a week. Break it down. That is 5 cardio sessions of 30 min. a week. Very doable. You can break it up before and after your workouts or just have cardio days. A very beautiful and intelligent woman once looked at me and said. "The heart is a muscle to" Keeping our heart healthy is vital to our health. Aerobic activity is key to being well rounded in the gym. Classes count. I love my clients changing it up and keeping it fresh. The spin cycle class is amazing and our La Fitness has some great instructors. From the treadmill, hiking, stair master, row machine, elliptical, bicycle. We have options. Just remember to keep the intensity level up. If you can read a book its probably not hard enough. :-) If you can't start and do 150 min a week. Aim for 60 the first week or two and progress towards the 150 min.
This can be more detailed but I wanted to keep this general. Its basic but again this is not rocket science. Its about being persistent and having a plan of attack. Love you all. Hope your having a fantastic weekend. If you need anything please contact me. BRIAN
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