Sunday, November 8, 2015

What motivates you?

To all my amazing clients,

First, I want to thank you all for taking the time to read this. I believe in 30 min. its difficult for me to share all that I want to share with you all. So I'm going to be sending brief emails with what I believe is important in our fitness journey together. None of this is new, or rocket science but is there truly anything actually new under the sun?  And I guarantee my grammar will be wrong a decent amount of time. Try to ignore that for the time being. That being said. Here goes nothing...

 Reaching our goals successfully is doing the small things consistently on a daily basis over a long period of time. How do we do that Brian? I sometimes find myself burning out. With either training or my own workouts. When that happens I have to remind myself of WHY I'm doing what I'm doing. Motivation is like a fire. Unless we continuously add fuel to that fire it will burn out. When that burns out we usually automatically go back to our negative habits that have been holding us back. Why did you first step in the gym? Why did you purchase training? Why are you on this fitness journey? I have a theory that most of us do what we do because we want to look good naked not for health. Ha... That's probably not the case for all of us but it gets us thinking of what is our true motivation.

Briefly I will share what motivates me. What motivates me is seeing my clients healthier and happier and living life more confidently on a daily basis. What motivates me is seeing someone that has never worked out on their own in the gym following one of my programs or sweating their ass off on the treadmill or stair master. I have found in my own life that when we feel healthier because of exercise it has a huge impact on our WHOLE LIFE. From our relationships to our work life to how we react to what life, which is sometimes cruel throws at us. Exercise has helped me through severe depression and addictions in my own life. I know the power of fitness. Because I have seen first hand what it has done for me physically and the most important of all mentally. I'm driven every day to help those use fitness to have a positive impact on their lives also inside and OUTSIDE of the gym.

Write down today why you are doing this. Why do you want to wake up early and do cardio? Why do you go to the gym after a long day of work? Why do you prep healthy food on Sundays? It could be a multiple of reasons. From battling depression, addictions to wanting to compete or just wanting to look good in a swim suit. We might be pre-diabetic. You might want to be getting ready for that class reunion or that hot date you have been begging for. I took my shirt off a long time ago when I shouldn't have and I ruined that date. Oops.. Another story for another time.  It could be that you are more confident when you exercise. It's proven to be mood elevating. We will cover the science of that in future blogs. That heart attack scare might have got us back in the gym. All of us have a multitude of reasons. Hold onto them remember them. Look at your reasons why and your goals daily. Keep your fire burning. Commit today to doing the small things this week to live healthier and happier on a daily basis. Get in the gym. See you soon.  Love you all Going to try to post weekly. Will share this in email and on Facebook. I know that I don't have all of my clients emails yet. I will try and collect them all this week.

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